Suitcase Packing Tips From a Professional

Suitcase Packing Tips From a Professional



Despite its apparent simplicity, packing is a science with principles that travellers frequently discover the hard way after travelling for thousands of kilometres. A well-planned trip with everything you need close at hand can be the difference between a rushed one with numerous trips to the neighbourhood pharmacy. Here is our quick guide to packing properly: how to choose the best suitcase, lighten your weight, take only what you need on a business or beach trip, and prevent wrinkles. While virtually everyone is eager to leave for a vacation, almost nobody enjoys packing. The danger of wrinkled clothing, lost belongings, and damaged equipment when you get to your destination only serves to make this hated duty worse. Continue reading to discover the proper way to pack a suitcase.



1. Choosing the right bag

Choosing the right bag

To successfully pack, choose the proper bag for your vacation, necessities, and style. Choose from these versatile alternatives, which range from soft-sided and hard-sided carry-on bags to travel backpacks and duffels, to narrow down your possibilities. Smaller bags called packing cubes are used to organise your suitcase. These can be arranged by outfit, weight, or item depending on your requirements. You might, for instance, have a heavy, medium, and light cube, or one for all your clothing, underwear, etc.

2. Do the clothing countdown

Choosing the right bag

Use the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rule for a weeklong trip if you need a mantra to help you pare down your wardrobe: No more than five pairs of socks and underwear, four tops, three bottoms, two pairs of shoes, and one that should be brought along. You should modify the list to meet your needs. If you think you’ll need them, pack a suit jacket and dress or a swimsuit and gym equipment. The decision of what is vital to bring with you is half the battle of packing. If you’re going on a ten-day trip, you should include no more than five pairs of pants, including a couple pairs of jeans and a few pairs of shorts. Get rid of one or two comparable pairs after spreading everything out in front of you.

3. Arrange your clothes carefully using your favourite packing technique

clothes carefully using your favourite packing technique

It’s crucial to learn the proper way to pack a bag or other form of luggage. Here are 3 methods to consider:

  • Folding Clothes – This is the simplest way to put your clothes in luggage. Set all of your folded clothing out. The most flexible clothing should therefore be placed at the bottom of your suitcase: soft clothing. Layer your softer attire with lengthier garments like long sleeve shirts and slacks. Finally, stack collared shirts, sunglasses, and other delicate accessories on top to prevent them from being squashed by heavier objects.
  • Rolling Clothes – Rolling your clothes can help you save space and prevent wrinkles. It’s a great method if you’re travelling with a duffle bag or backpack and want to fill all of them.

4. Keep clothes in place with dry cleaning bags

Keep clothes in place with dry cleaning bags

No of the material, most clothing is a little slick. Dry cleaning bags can be inserted between each layer of clothing to prevent shifting or slipping while travelling You’ll be able to pack more into your bag and find new crevices and nooks by holding your clothing and other items firmly in place. The garment bags that clothes are often delivered in when you pick them up from the dry cleaner are usually thin, translucent plastic bags. It would make sense to merely place them in the bag in your closet once you get them home. After all, you are paying someone else to clean these articles of clothes, therefore they must be valuable and deserving of your protection.

5. Know your airline’s weight limit

Know your airline’s weight limit

“I’m travelling and checking a bag, and I know the 50-pound weight limit arrives quickly, so I’ll need to be careful about how much I’m actually loading into the suitcase,” Mansel says, mentioning the standard weight restriction for checked baggage among the main airlines. “I’ll utilise my Away suitcase, which weighs little under 12 pounds, in this case. Then I’ll pack regularly and use a hand-held weight scale to weigh the bag. I usually weigh around 47 pounds with a couple of pairs of shoes and my toiletries, which gives me some wiggle room if I buy any trinkets while travelling.

6. Give outfit planning a try

Outfit try

You can see that, after writing it down, you don’t need three different pairs of “just in case” jeans. A few days before to your travel ensures that you have time to order whatever you might be lacking, such as thick socks, a white t-shirt, or even a beach suit. 

7. Never unpack your toiletries

Never unpack your toiletries

You won’t forget a toothbrush or contact lens case that you might need the morning before flight if you keep a set of bathroom supplies packed, she added. For ease of access while packing for a trip, keep these goods in a small box or bag in the corner of a cabinet or drawer. Think at all-in-one products like BB creams, which include foundation, moisturiser, and sunscreen, to simplify what you need. Double that plastic bag up to stop leaks.

8. Wear bulky items on the plane

Wear bulky items on the plane

Wear your bulkiest items on the plane to free up space in your luggage and keep you warm during travel,” Guilfoyle recommends. For example, if you’re going to the beach, pack your flip-flops in your bag and wear your sneakers on the plane.

9. How to pack jewellery

How to pack jewellery

To save room in your luggage and stay warm when travelling, bring the bulkiest items with you when you board the airline. Put your flip-flops in your bag if you’re headed to the beach, for instance, and wear sneakers on the plane.

10. Use the inside of your shoes as storage space

Use the inside of your shoes as storage space

If your shoes have no other space, tuck your socks inside. Underwear and other tiny clothing items are simple to wrap up and put in your shoes. Shoes also work well for storing small, delicate trinkets and mementos since they provide additional padding and security.

11. Organize your suitcase from heaviest on the bottom to lightest on top

Larger or heavier items should always go in the bottom of the luggage. As a result, it will be simpler to locate stuff and heavy objects won’t accidentally crush or break delicate items like trinkets and toiletries. Dress shirts and other lighter items should go on top. Lightweight clothing won’t wrinkle as a result of the weight being distributed more evenly.


It can be challenging to pack your suit so that it will fit neatly in a carry-on luggage, but with the right approach, you’ll arrive looking sharp. When packing your suit, follow these instructions to prevent wrinkles and keep it looking sharp. What are some of the ways you always pack suits? Share them in the comments if they’re different from ours! We adore knowing what our readers find to be most effective!

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