Ways to stay motivated even in difficult times?

Ways to stay motivated even in difficult times?



In life, there may be times when negativity seems to surround you, suffocating your dreams and destroying your hope. When that happens, many go through their day being saturated with negativity and accepting it as a way of life. While you can’t always control what happens to you, you can control how you respond to it. Seek to create a positive environment for yourself and you’ll begin to become more motivated to achieve your dreams and goals. When you lack the drive to finish a task (or even begin one), think about the potential causes of your difficulties. Create a strategy after that to spur on your own motivation. Remember that not every tactic is suitable for every person or circumstance. Find out which tactics will help you achieve your goals the most by doing some behavioural experiments. Here are some ways to stay motivated even in the difficult times:

To tackle and be strong in the difficult times, it is important to have your mental health stable for which, here are the reasons why mental health is important?



Speak positive affirmation

Speak positive affirmation

The power of words is creative. Speak aloud what you want to happen, no matter what is going on around you. This is one of the best ways to stay motivated even in difficult times. Put a daily affirmation on paper and post it somewhere you’ll see it every day, like your refrigerator or the mirror in your bathroom.

Recognize your Roadblock

Recognize your Roadblock

What is preventing you from moving forward? You might be shocked to learn that something is preventing you from accomplishing your objectives. This “something” might be a deficiency in one area of ability or a quality that you’re not even aware is holding you back. This is one of the best ways to stay motivated even in difficult times. If you’ve previously collaborated with someone on a project, you could inquire about any potential obstacles. It’s crucial to take stock of who you are and how you approach your work so that you can come up with ways to get better.

Set realistic goal

Set realistic goal

Setting SMART goals will help you arrange how you approach various accomplishments, as you may have already heard. SMART goals can be used for short-term as well as long-term objectives. Use a goal-setting worksheet to help you organise your process, if necessary. You can create a SMART goal for each of your study sessions, for instance, if your long-term objective is improving a grade over the course of a semester. It is possible to estimate how long it will take you to study a particular subject for four hours with 15-minute breaks in one afternoon (realistic). This strategy appears to be very doable!

Build a support team

Build a support team

Your success depends on having the proper team in place to assist you. When everyone on your team is motivated and working towards the same objective, you will be shocked at what you and your team can accomplish. Setting up the appropriate support network is worthwhile. Create a list of those successful individuals in your network who you can collaborate with, share ideas with, and who can assist you in completing tasks.

Use the 10- min rule

Use the 10- min rule

When you don’t want to do something, like walk three miles on the treadmill, you won’t be motivated to do it. Yet, you can lessen your sensations of dread by convincing yourself that the task isn’t as difficult as you imagine it to be or that you have the stamina to handle it. This is one of the best ways to stay motivated even in difficult times. The 10-minute rule can assist you in getting going. After ten minutes, give yourself permission to abandon a task. Ask yourself whether you want to continue or stop after 10 minutes. You’ll probably discover that you have enough drive to carry on.

Be with positive people as much as possible

Be with positive people as much as possible

Negative people and conversations will divert your attention from your objectives and put you in the incorrect frame of mind. Avoid unpleasant interactions and seek out good people. Instead, decide to abstain from participation altogether or to remain neutral. Change the topic to something useful if you find yourself in the thick of a conversation that is going in the wrong direction. Attempt to utilise language such, “I’m concentrating on completing this new project. I’m quite enthusiastic about it.” I have a crucial appointment/meeting/conference call in five minutes, and I need to finish preparing for it now, so I need to end the call if you’re trapped on the phone with someone nasty.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

Don’t be too hard on yourself

Everybody makes mistakes occasionally. If you don’t achieve your weekly targets, consider it a lesson learned. Strive to finish your next task ahead of schedule so that you can use the extra time to finish the unfinished assignment. In this manner, even if your schedule has been impacted, you remain on track. How well you can take a hard punch and continue to go forward is more important than always how hard you hit. Accept failure as a human experience rather than dwelling on it and go on to achieve your goals.

Know your limits

Know your limits

Nobody can consistently work on a difficult task. It’s simple to concentrate solely on the difficult item when your business is failing, there isn’t enough money, or your children are having trouble. Yet if we don’t give ourselves a rest, we tend to stop coming up with fresh concepts and remedies, and finally we burn out. Find out how long you can concentrate on a problem before you need to switch to another one. Take a vacation from the difficult portion of your life by spending time with friends, reading a book, or doing something completely unrelated. When you come back to it later, you’ll be more motivated and better equipped to think through your issues in an objective manner.

See the end

See the end

When times are tough, we frequently lose sight of the fact that things will get better eventually. Before we find a practical solution, we feel that we’ll be paying off debt forever, that no other door will ever open, that the world might end (though that is an end in and of itself). We may face each day with hope if we keep in mind that there may be an end. Even if that expectation is repeatedly dashed, we will be aware that a solution might be just around the corner. A constant source of motivation, hope gives us a reason to keep moving forward.


It can be tricky and challenging to tame the beast of motivation. But you are not powerless in the face of its whims. Discipline and activities that promote motivation must be a part of your life if you’re serious about staying motivated. Choose a situation in which you might use more drive. Then use one of the suggestions above to put it into practice. This is the finest technique to assist you in achieving your objectives. It will also enhance the quality of your life. And perhaps most importantly, keep believing in yourself. You’re worth it and you can do it.


  • food porn
    December 29, 2023 - 6:19 pm


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