Top 10 Ways to Protect the Environment

Go organic; Grow your food

Nowadays, people are getting into a more green environment. They are getting interested in going green, buying organic, and protecting the backdrop for many reasons. Below are the top 10 ways to protect the environment.

Crissy Trask, the author of It’s Easy Being Green, says, ‘The quality of your life can improve, you can save money with green living choices, and you can protect the health of your family.’ 

Top 10 Ways to Protect the Environment

These pointers will explain to you how to protect the environment at home, improve environmental health, and keep the environment clean.

1. Leave your car at home

Leave your car at home

Among the top 10 ways to protect the environment, the first is to leave your car at home. You must change your driving habits, which will immediately impact the environment. 

Take short trips on foot or by bike instead, and you will also immediately impact your health. For example, while biking at a leisurely 6 miles per hour, you can burn 240 calories in an hour or more. Likewise, walking at an average speed of 2 to 3 miles per hour can burn up to 300 calories or more every hour.

2. Think reusable when you drink

Think reusable when you drink

Many people are becoming concerned about drinking water from disposable plastic bottles, especially using plastic bottles to feed infants. However, buying bottles of water is a ridiculous use of plastic and an incredible waste of money, says Trask. 

Instead, invest in a reusable stainless steel bottle that resembles a canteen to transport water. For hot beverages, use a thermos so you won’t contribute to the staggering number of disposable coffee cups and lids thrown out each year.

3. Slip into something a little more healthy

Slip into something a little more healthy

According to the World Wildlife Fund, PFCs used on some clothes to help keep them wrinkle-free can be toxic to the environment. They have also been connected to health issues, such as cancer. On the other hand, selecting more natural fabrics are eco-friendly; growing cotton, for instance, can require heavy pesticide use. 

Find local specialty shops online that sell clothing made from materials made with the fewest harmful chemicals, such as hemp, organic cotton, wool, or silk. This will increase your environmental impact and reduce exposure to possibly harmful pollutants.

4. Choose locally grown or organic food

Choose locally grown or organic food

Fruits and vegetables are shipped hundreds of miles or more from other states or countries before they reach your supermarket, which means they are possibly plucked a few weeks before you consume them. 

However, if you buy locally grown produce from a farmer; market, the food is likely to be freshly picked. Inquire with the farmer about the product’s organic status and whether it has been treated with pesticides or other chemicals that could be harmful to the environment or your health.

5. Clean up your water and the environment

Clean up your water and the environment

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, more than 90 percent of water systems in the country meet EPA tap water quality standards, which means that some unwanted stuff could still be coming through your faucet. 

Consumer Reports claims that there are numerous water filters available that get rid of typical pollutants.

6. Do some old-school cleaning

Do some old-school cleaning

This is among the top 10 ways to protect the environment. When you clean with harsh cleansers, some of these chemical components escape into the atmosphere. With the cleaning supplies our grandparents used, we can clean effectively. 

To cut through mold or soap scum, combine white vinegar or natural castile soap with salt and baking soda. You may also use genuine items like washing soda and borax to clean floors and remove grease stains.

7. Make the world a greener place

Make the world a greener place

This is one of the ways to improve environmental health. Plant a tree, the long list of health and environment-improving benefits of having trees around.

It includes reducing your air-conditioning costs by providing shade; raising the property value and resale appeal of your home, taking carbon dioxide out of the environment and creating oxygen, improving water quality, and providing you with calming surroundings. Also, you can check the great habits of great people to know more. 

8. Help yourself to less meat, and help the environment

less meat, and help the environment

This is one of the ways to protect the environment at home and among the top 10 ways to protect the environment.

The production of meat significantly impacts the environment. For example, the livestock industry produces 18% of the greenhouse gas emissions from the five major reporting sectors are produced by the livestock industry. Livestock industries make up more than 80% of all sectors in the agricultural sector. 

Large tracts of the Amazon rainforest have also been replaced with pastures and arable crops for animal feeding. Research has found that vegetarians are less likely to be obese, have low cholesterol, and less likely to have heart disease. 

If you are considering the vegetarian route or want to cut back on meat, get proper protein from other sources like peanut butter, beans, soy, and eggs.

9. Select a greener way of cleaning clothes

greener way of cleaning clothes

Many dry cleaners use a chemical known as perchloroethylene or perc, which the International Agency for Research on Cancer has listed as a probable human carcinogen. After the clothes are dry-cleaned, some of the chemicals are left in the fabric, you wear it, and it escapes into your home’s environment. 

And this is bad for you and the earth. So instead, you should try investigating cleaners in your area which provide wet cleaning technologies that use water-based equipment to clean garments that previously were dry cleaned.

10. Go organic; Grow your food

Go organic; Grow your food

This is among the top 10 ways to protect the environment. Planting and maintaining an organic vegetable garden in your yard gives endless benefits. 

You can enjoy several veggies that are fresher and better in taste than anything you will find in the supermarket. And you will sustain yourself with food that does not need fossil fuels for transportation. Moreover, you will have peace of mind knowing pesticides were not on your vegetables. 

And you will get months of exercise as you prepare the ground, plant the seeds, tend to your crops, and choose the food yourself accordingly.


These are the top 10 ways to protect the environment. These will help you in keeping the environment clean. You need to adapt to these changes for a better health environment.

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