Ways to Get Past Your Self Doubt

Ways to get past your self doubt



Whether we’re beginning a new job, taking a test, or participating in a sport, we all occasionally suffer self-doubt. It is entirely typical. Feelings of confusion about one or more elements of oneself are the definition of self-doubt. A modest amount of self-criticism can serve as a powerful motivator. That could motivate you to put in more effort and improve your abilities so that you feel more confident. But excessive worry and doubt might prevent you from achieving your greatest potential and performing well. I’ve discovered a few things that help with self-doubt and boost my confidence that may help you too. Here giving you the 10 ways to get past your self doubt and come out as a confident person.

You can read the, mentioned books in your free time for self-motivation and growth.



Identify your limiting belief

Identify your limiting belief

Our worldview serves as our life’s road map. They have the power to lead us in daring new areas or to make us feel like we are simply treading water, unwilling to pursue our true desires. Examining your limiting beliefs should be at the top of your list of things to do to get over self-doubt if you fall into the “treading water” category. Once you realise what’s stopping you, you may alter your perspective.

Follow good energy

Follow good energy

We are the average of the five individuals we spend the most time with,” goes a well-known proverb. Whether we are conscious of it or not, the people we spend a lot of time with can have a significant impact on us. Research on brain plasticity has shown that experiences can rearrange the brain’s neuronal connections. Who do you interact with the most? How do they make you feel? Do you leave time with them feeling better about yourself or worse about yourself?

Don’t Compare yourself

Don't Compare yourself

We frequently judge ourselves against others when we are self-doubting. Although the intention may be to improve our feelings, this frequently only makes things worse. Everyone probably experiences moments of self-doubt, therefore it’s crucial to remember that your observation may not necessarily be true.



It is effective to work with a therapist to identify hidden problems or unidentified mental health concerns. Counseling encourages us to think about things from different angles and from different points of view. Therapy can be a validating experience for self-doubt and aid in understanding the causes and origins of these emotions.

Find clarity

Find clarity

We often find it difficult to overcome self-doubt because we lack clarity around our goals and expectations for ourselves. We have access to an infinite number of impossible standards through social media, and if we don’t establish our own, we’ll quickly succumb to numerous exaggerated expectations. You must be clear about what you can and should expect from yourself and what you must do to achieve those expectations if you want to overcome self-doubt. Writing in a journal, making objectives, or discussing your standards with a loved one might be helpful at this period.

Start your gratitude practice

Start your gratitude practice

Another strategy for changing your perspective is to practise thankfulness. If you’re feeling insecure, you can be preoccupied with what’s wrong. Focusing on the positive aspects of your life is the reverse of what appreciation encourages. Each day, take some time to practise thankfulness. You can utilise a variety of affordable or free applications, including Gratitude Journal or Gratitude Diary, to support your daily practise of appreciation.

Realize that failing doesn’t make you failure

Realize that failing doesn't make you failure

This is not to imply that trying anything new is pointless. Because we keep trying even though things aren’t always going our way, humans are rather admirable. As resilient creatures, we frequently get back up after being knocked down by life. Because we are only human, we will inevitably make mistakes. It’s crucial to understand that everyone experiences failure in their lives on occasion.

Take small steps

Take small steps

The secret to overcoming any form of self-doubt is to begin small and eventually advance to the most dreadful situations. For instance, if you’re self-conscious about your arithmetic abilities at work, try to start with the fundamentals. Create a simple Excel spreadsheet using formulae to start, then gradually increase your self-confidence.

Learn from past experience

Learn from past experience

The moments when you succeeded, pursued your desires, made progress, and attained your goals. How frequently did what you feared would occur or what you doubted you could do occur? The response is, “Not at all often.” Was it as horrible as you thought it would be? Most likely not. It is simpler to let go of self-misgivings, concentrate on the more likely good outcome, and act if you look to the past and see how well things have often gone despite those doubts.

Trust Yourself

Trust Yourself

Learning to trust yourself more is the first step in overcoming self-doubt. not having faith in other people but having faith in oneself. You must have faith in your instincts, your path, your emotions, and the entire process you’re going through now. Have faith that you will achieve your goals. You must act accordingly if your intuition and core self-tell you that is what you should do.


Our doubts prevent us from completing simple objectives, making them outright traitors. You must therefore be more honest about how you handle self-loathing. Finding solutions for the issue after acknowledging its existence is the first step. You can overcome self-doubt by engaging in self-affirmation, self-compassion, and counselling, among other strategies. You will have to learn and unlearn a lot of things as a student. While confidence is not a quality we are born with, it is one of the most important talents you can master. As we continue our journey of self-identification, we gain confidence.

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