How to Be More Productive and Motivated with Less Effort

How to Be More Productive and Motivated with Less Effort

“Lifestyle can alter your efficiency and Productivity.”

As the name implies, toxic productivity is an obsession with getting things done at the price of everything else. Toxic productivity is just a modernized phrase for “workaholic,” but with a more negative connotation. 

Toxic productivity and the urge to continually be perceived “as busy” only disguise tension and anxiety in times of high stress, like a pandemic. This could lead to burnout down the road. We will see how to be more productive in life in this post.

Productivity is essential in any context where results are needed, or goals are to be attained, but it is most commonly associated with the workplace.  Even minor alterations to your daily routine can increase your productivity, no matter what field you work in. We have included a few of these tips in the list below.

10 Ways to be More Productive and Motivated 

You must be wondering how to be productive every day. First, put some of these time-saving suggestions into practice right away. Then, create a sustainable plan to boost productivity by tracking what works and doesn’t.


1. Organize your daily tasks with the to-do list

Organize your daily tasks with the to-do list

With the help of a list, you can check off the items you’ve finished. Completing everything on the list will make you feel good about the day. If no tasks have been checked off as done, it may also serve to wake you up.

Having all you need to get done in one place is made possible by maintaining such a list. Moreover, by arranging jobs following their relative importance, you may determine which ones require immediate attention and which can wait.

2. Tackle the most critical task first

Tackle the most critical task first

Avoiding tedious or time-consuming jobs in favor of easier ones is a common temptation. You can boost your motivation and concentration for the remainder of the day if you tackle your most challenging tasks first. It could be best to tackle these more significant assignments first thing in the morning or whenever you are most productive.

Being productive requires a steady, regular pace, not a sprint through everything. Hence, this tactic proves to be successful. The key to always doing something significant is to do the most important thing first.

3. Break Up large projects into bite-sized projects

Break Up large projects into bite-sized projects

We tend to overestimate how much time it will take to finish large jobs or projects because of their psychological impact on us. Organizing your work into smaller, more tangible goals will help you gain momentum and see the project through to its conclusion. 

If you have a lot of emails, you may respond four at a time and get through them all over the day. Task division has several positive effects, including reducing certain challenging behaviors. In addition, using this method will make the task seem less overwhelming.

4. Learn to Say ‘No.’

Learn to Say 'No.'

The ability to say “no” can help you feel more independent while preserving your relationships with others. You can keep yourself healthy by setting clear limits and boundaries with others. If you learn to say no, you’ll have more time and energy for things that matter to you. You’ll earn respect from people if you demonstrate respect for your work, time, and priorities.

Saying “no” demonstrates self-respect and the knowledge of one’s worth by not caving into pressure and standing up for one’s values. But, unfortunately, we are putting this kind of stress on ourselves most of the time.

5. Delegate Tasks to Others

Delegate Tasks to Others

Whether you’re working in a group, evaluate the duties you’re responsible for daily to see if any of them could be handed off to another team member. Sometimes we take on tasks that aren’t our responsibility or that others could complete far more quickly.

When you delegate, you’re not just passing off tasks you’d instead not do. Instead, it’s about ensuring everyone utilizes their talents and time effectively.  It’s common for entrepreneurs to try to balance multiple responsibilities at once. Social media content creation, for example, can be delegated to new workers or outsourced to freelancers, freeing up more time for other pressing matters.

6. Stop Multitasking

Stop Multitasking

It can be tempting to attempt multitasking or perform several activities simultaneously in the workplace. This may give you a false sense of accomplishment but rarely leads to good outcomes. Instead, you can accomplish more in less time and at a higher standard if you provide your full attention to only one thing at a time.

Working on a single activity may be hampered if your mind constantly switches between many. According to a study, multitaskers’ brains are less effective even when juggling only a few tasks simultaneously.

7. Give Yourself Regular Breaks

Give Yourself Regular Breaks

Suggesting breaks when discussing productivity may seem counterintuitive, but research has shown that regular intervals can help reduce stress and boost output. 

In many businesses, scheduled breaks are mandatory. 

In contrast, if you operate in a place that doesn’t keep tabs on your productivity, such as a home office or a more open office, you should schedule a series of 10- or 15-minute breaks throughout the day. Then, take a break from your work and let your mind wander so that when you get back to it, you’ll be refreshed and ready to tackle it with new ideas.

8. Prioritize your health

Prioritize your health

It’s not easy to keep track of everything that needs doing, but prioritizing your health should be at the top of your list. A healthy body is a foundation upon which to build a successful life. In addition, a person’s health and financial situation are inextricably intertwined. After all, medical attention doesn’t come cheap, and it’s much easier to bring in the green if you’re feeling good.

Depending on your goal, this may entail concentrating on your emotional health by relaxing and worrying less. On the other hand, it could entail putting in the effort to maintain a healthy body through exercise and a balanced diet. Looking forward and making plans is essential at any time, but especially now.

9. Get Regular Physical Life

Get Regular Physical Life

One of the best things you can do for your health is to engage in regular physical activity. Physical activity has several positive health effects, including enhancing cognitive function, aiding in weight management, decreasing the likelihood of contracting disease, bolstering the body’s immune system, and improving mobility and strength.

Diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some malignancies can be prevented or kept under control by regular physical exercise. In addition, it’s an excellent tool for warding off hypertension, keeping the pounds off, and even boosting your mood, vitality, and longevity.

10. Take care of mental health 

Take care of mental health 

Your mental and emotional well-being is crucial as it affects your day-to-day functioning and character. Emotional well-being is linked to increased efficiency and effectiveness in employment, learning, and caring. It’s critical to the success of your relationships, and it helps you adjust to new situations and overcome challenges.

It alters our way of being, feeling, and responding to the challenges of daily life. It also shapes how we respond to pressure, interact socially, and make decisions. Maintaining one’s mental well-being is essential at any age, from the formative years through old age.


We have seen above how to become productive and motivated. The key is experimenting with tiny modifications and seeing what sticks. Management of one’s time refers to a set of abilities designed to maximize productivity. To be effective, efforts must provide tangible outcomes. Some of the essential factors in achieving more efficiency in our professional and personal life have been explored above.

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