
Holi Season Skin Care Regime



Without a doubt, Holi is the world’s and India’s most lively, happy, and colourful holiday. Holi was traditionally celebrated with buckets of water and dry gulal. Sadly, it now contains splashes of synthetic pigments, the consequences of which can be harmful to our health as well as our skin, hair, and eyes. So, exercising a little caution can pay off. Along with enjoying yourself at the Holi party, it’s crucial to take good care of your skin. Hence, before you go out for Holi this year, providing you the best Holi season skin care regime:

Here are some powerful ways to celebrate holi at your home for more enjoy with the proper skin care.



Apply coconut and mustard oils

Use coconut oil, preferably all over your body, and mustard oil to your hair at least an hour before playing because dry skin makes it easy for chemicals to enter the body. Note: It’s crucial to apply oil behind the ear, next to the fingernails, and between the fingertips.

Wear sunglasses

To safeguard your eyes when playing Holi, put on some glasses or shades. The chemicals in colours may irritate or even cause allergies because the eyes are so delicate. Always use cold water to wash your eyes. See an eye doctor if inflammation lasts even a few hours after playing Holi.

Don’t stay in wet clothes

Make sure you don’t spend more than two hours wearing wet garments. Try to continue washing your hands and face frequently if you’re playing dry Holi, which is unquestionably preferable. In order to remove the colour and moisturise the skin, apply curd to each other’s faces if you are hosting the party.

Beware of cuts and wounds

You got hurt while having fun with Holi? As soon as possible, cleanse that region and apply ice to it. Get a tetanus shot if you haven’t had one in the last 4-5 months and clean with an antibacterial lotion to prevent chemical absorption. Use a bandage if you already have an open wound or cut on your body before Holi to prevent dangerous chemicals from getting in and being absorbed.

Must apply sunscreen

Your skin is being exposed to dangerous solar rays, pollution, and toxins today. Antioxidant-infused sunscreen protects you against these worries and offers all-around UV protection. You should choose a gel-based sunscreen because they are lightweight and won’t leave your skin feeling greasy or tacky. While using moisturiser and sunscreen, this is the ideal type. Even when you apply anything on your face, you don’t feel it.

Use ice cubes

The finest skincare procedure for this situation involves rubbing ice cubes on the face. Your enlarged open pores will be reduced if you rub ice cubes on a clean face for around ten minutes. This aids in preventing dangerous substances from reaching the skin.

Apply nail paint

This might seem like an odd Holi skin care tip, but it is brilliant. The hardest part is getting the colour off your nails and nail bed. You can paint your finger and toenails with any colour you like. This is one of the best part of holi season skin care regime as it protects your nails from colours. This will aid in cuticle and nail protection. With the use of a nail polish remover, you can easily remove all the Holi colour while also removing the nail colour. You can use a clear finish if you don’t want to paint your nails brightly. This will offer defence without any recognisable colours.

Nourish your skin with the right essential oil

Holi paint can make your skin feel dry, flaky, and irritated. Treat your skin well by using lavender, rose, or tea tree oil. As a carrier oil, you can use almond, jojoba, or even olive oil. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to the carrier oil. You may apply this mixture to both your skin and your scalp. This will ensure that you completely erase the colour from your skin. More significantly, it will nurture and renew your skin.

Oil your body correctly

The idea that you can just oil your hair is a fallacy, right? Well, you can oil your skin as well. To restore your skin’s natural texture, you should oil it using organic oils. Also, some organic oils naturally can wonderfully treat acne and other skin issues. One teaspoon each of organic coconut oil and organic almond oil can be combined. Apply this mixture on your entire body. Your skin is protected from all hazardous colours by a substantial barrier created by this. This is one of the best way of holi season skin care regime as it helps to remove colours easily from your body. As a result, it will be simpler for you to maintain your skin moisturised and remove the decorations after the celebration.

Make use of homemade face mask

To get rid of the chemical colours, using natural facial masks or cleanses would be beneficial. Ingredients like Sandalwood, Rosewater, and Turmeric can be used. All these components nourish your skin from the inside out without having any negative side effects. Moreover, attempt to continue using these face masks until all traces of the Holi colour have vanished from your skin. A combination of curd, sandalwood, and a dash of turmeric can be made. The best method to gently and organically remove the colours from your skin is to use curd. To get rid of the colours, rub lemon juice on them. Olive oil is another useful item for completely removing the colours from your body and face. Suvarna Haldi from Kama Ayurveda is another option


Holi colours made of chemicals can lead to several skin rashes and allergies. Since most colours on the market contain some potentially harmful components, one can choose to get herbal colours so they can enjoy the festival without worrying about their skin. The advice can be used to safeguard one’s skin this Holi. If the colour gets in the eye, mouth, or nose, people should immediately rinse with cool water. If any part of your body becomes irritated after being exposed to colour, see a doctor. Enjoy your festival of colours without worrying about your skin. But make sure you must follow these tips to avoid redness, itching and skin damage during Holi.


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