Busy Schedule But Remain Fit


Your fitness may be the last thing on your mind if you lead a hectic life. But if you’re serious about making and maintaining fitness as a priority in your life, you’ll need to create some habits and tactics that will make it easier for you to incorporate exercise into your schedule no matter how hectic things become. Being physically fit can at times feel like another job, and when you are already busy with your family, career, and children, it can be difficult. While maintaining your health does require dedication, even modest adjustments can have a big impact and fit into your hectic schedule. The truth is that while you may occasionally be too busy to exercise, most of the time you simply need to work a little bit harder. Regular exercise needs commitment, which takes time and effort. If you stop using your calendar as an excuse, you can find a way to fit exercise into your daily routine even with a busy schedule. Even when it seems impossible, here’s how to fit with various ways. 

What’s the hurry? In our fast-paced society, it seems like everyone’s always in a rush. We’re constantly on the go, multitasking, and trying to fit more into our day. But sometimes, we need to take a step back and slow down.


1. Improve your daily commute

Improve your daily commute

How far do you commute each day? Is it feasible to bike, walk, or run a few days per week? Maybe you could take a bus, get off early, and then jog the rest of the way?

Everyone’s possibilities will be different, but if you can look at your circumstances and look for opportunities to move your body a little more each day, you’re on the right track to living a fit lifestyle. While on route to your morning lecture, are you about to check the bus schedule? Why don’t you reconsider your route and go for a walk this time? You won’t even need to set aside extra time for it since it is already a part of your regular schedule! According to a recent study that was published in the American College of Cardiology, taking a brisk walk or riding a bike for an hour each day can reduce your chances of developing several diseases and erase the link between sitting and death.  

2. Start your gratitude Journal

Start your gratitude Journal

Among many other advantages, writing down the positive aspects of your life that you are grateful for (no matter how minor) can reduce stress, foster empathy, and enhance sleep. Write down three positive aspects of your day as a good place to start. It just takes five minutes, but it might make you feel a lot more grateful for what you already have. The days of becoming irritated about someone purchasing the incorrect milk are long gone. When you embrace thankfulness, you will begin to appreciate the good things in life, such as a good cup of tea or the sun on your face in the morning, as well as learn to see the best in challenging circumstances. Gratitude improves our general well-being, happiness, and health. In your thankfulness diary, you can include as many entries as you choose. It’s a good idea to try to list 5–10 things each day for which you are grateful. The depth of your thankfulness notebook isn’t necessary. Simple things like “family,” “the new book or movie I recently enjoyed,” or “this morning’s food” might be used to express gratitude.

3. Become a weekend warrior

Become a weekend warrior

According to data from around the country, 2 to 4 percent of Americans exercise in this weekend warrior pattern, engaging in at least 150 minutes of brisk walking or 75 minutes of running-intensity activity over one or two sessions. The weekends are when people engage in activities because they have a little freer time, according to Jeanette Gustat, an associate professor of clinical epidemiology at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans. Gustat says, “I think [the study] does suggest that you can obtain great benefits from just working out on the weekends.” She adds that “those who are routinely active tend to have slightly more benefit in reducing all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, and cancer deaths.”

4. Practice tolerance

Practice tolerance

People irritate me. We are all aware of it. Probably, we can irritate ourselves. But it’s a simple reality of life that we frequently interact with individuals with whom we don’t always agree, and conflicts are rarely resolved by losing our cool. When I first started travelling by public transportation, I used to raise an eyebrow if somebody even dared to blow their nose in my general direction, and God help anyone who placed their bag on the seat next to them. There are plenty of reasons to become irritated on lengthy commutes; sometimes it seems like there are more commuter faux pas than there are commuters. You are looking at a bunch that is quite irate when you factor in a delayed train during a heatwave.

5. Mediate


Similar to drinking more water, eating more veggies, or spending less money on pricey coffee, meditation is one of those things we know we should do but occasionally find difficult to do. Fortunately, your commute to work serves as the gateway to a trip in search of mental clarity and tranquilly. Your daily train commute can change your outlook for the day in only ten minutes, making you feel more focused, energised, and prepared to face whatever the day brings. I use the “Calm” app to meditate in the morning, and it really does make a difference to my day. The app has a whole area dedicated to commuters, and the meditation sessions range from 2 to 90 minutes, so even the shortest of commutes can be accommodated. Meditation has a whole host of benefits, and your daily commute is the perfect opportunity to take 10 minutes for yourself, and see how it impacts the rest of your day. If you plan your daily meditation for the morning, it will be much simpler to fit it in. You should take your phone out each night before bed and set up reminders for yourself to meditate for one minute at specific times. You’ll get reminded throughout the day, which is a terrific method to make sure you don’t forget. Additionally, you may fit your meditation into your hectic day’s routine. You can determine when you have free time by looking at what’s on your schedule.

6. Plan lunch and breakfast meal

Plan lunch and breakfast meal

Keep in mind to match the part mark that qualifies you as the forerunner of time. Bring them everywhere you go. To combat the strong desires for junk food, eat something every few hours (even if you cut something out). Try to always have some snacks with you by keeping them in your car or purse.

Your daily calorie intake is determined by how much brown-bagging you consume. Lunch can be a turkey sandwich with veggies and honey mustard on whole wheat or pastrami bread. Making lunch plans allowed you to choose healthier options rather than purchasing a quick piece of pizza nearby. Additionally, if you purchased a meal and it was easily accessible in your kitchen, you have no excuse not to pack a nutritious lunch.

7. Drink lots of water

Drink lots of water

Get plenty of water. Switching to water for most of your liquid consumption will help you lose a lot of calories and improve your physical health. Drinks with excessive amounts of sugar and caffeine might deplete your vitality and make you feel more worn out. Try flavouring water without sugar. Buy a reusable water bottle and fill it regularly. If water is always available, you’ll be far more likely to drink it. Skip the sodas and other harmful beverages. 

8. Managing your stress level

Managing your stress level

Understanding your triggers is the first step towards reducing stress. “If you are aware of your triggers, stay away from them. However, there are some stresses we must endure, so we must adapt how we respond to them “According to Dr Webster. She suggests the following techniques to lessen or control stress: relaxation methods These are the kinds of things that set off the relaxation response, a physiological adjustment that can help lower your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, oxygen consumption, and stress chemicals. Deep breathing exercises, yoga, guided visualisation, and meditation are a few techniques you can use to do this.


It will be simpler to maintain a healthy lifestyle despite a busy schedule if you retain your positive attitude, which will lower your stress and weariness levels. Consider your favourite activities when you’re feeling worn out or irritated at work or school. Enjoying your upcoming day off in your mind. Consider how much healthier your current lifestyle is. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle may not always seem simple when you have a busy schedule. But that does not imply that it cannot be done. Regardless of how busy you are, you can help improve your health and feel better by taking steps like practising meal planning, eating healthier meals, and monitoring your weekend behaviours.

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