Guide to Apply Skincare Products

Guide to Apply Skincare Products



Understanding your skin care concerns and how to best address them when using the right skin care products requires that you establish a good skin care regimen and order. It can be challenging to comprehend what each type of skin care product does and how/when to apply them to your skin for the greatest effects given the wide variety available. The distinction between a morning skin care routine order and a night-time skin care routine order should also be noted. Read on for the details or view our infographic on a morning vs night-time skin care routine order. Here is the guide to apply skincare products effectively.



Step 1: Cleanser


Cleanse your skin with an oil- or water-based cleanser after removing all of your makeup—or both if you’re doing a double cleanse! You might simply need to wash your face in the morning with warm water, depending on your skin type. Employ a stronger cleanser at night, especially if you have oily or acne-prone skin. Start washing your face in the morning with warm water or, if necessary, a mild face cleanser made for your skin type.

Step 2: Toner


Due in part to the persistent belief that most toners are harsh and irritate the skin, most individuals opt to forgo using them. Thankfully, that’s no longer the case. The new generation of toners can work as a delivery method for antioxidants, vitamin-B derivatives, and even toning acids while not actually “shrinking” pores. It’s vital to apply the appropriate toner for your skin condition because each type of toner is designed to address a distinct skin problem. After washing your face, toner is made to remove any remaining oil and grime. It can also serve as a very mild exfoliator to prepare your face for any subsequent products you apply.

Step 3: Serum

Step 3: Serum

The mainstays of your skincare regimen are serums. You may encourage your skin to absorb whatever nutrients you want it to by gently applying a few drops to it in the morning and evening. You can select a serum that will help, whether your goal is to lessen oil production, eliminate textural abnormalities, or boost firmness. If you don’t have a specific problem or are just starting out, vitamin C serums are frequently suggested as an all-around beneficial serum. Although some serums are intended to hydrate, while others may boast potent antioxidants, they all “contain highly concentrated active substances. 

Step 4: Eye Cream

Eye Cream

Although it isn’t improper, applying eye cream after moisturising is preferable because these products are typically lighter. They are thinner than the thick creams or face oils you use on the rest of your face. An eye cream should moisturise the under-eye area. It address indications of ageing because the skin around the eyes is very fragile. This is frequently one of the first places to reveal fine lines and wrinkles. Because it is 10 times thinner than the skin covering the rest of the face, the skin around the eyes is frequently the first to show signs of ageing. Eye creams can aid in addressing issues like crow’s feet, puffiness, wrinkles, and dark circles. 

Step 5: Moisturizer 


Regardless of skin type, moisturising regularly is a necessary part in any skincare routine for healthy skin. Without enough moisture, the skin’s protective layer may become vulnerable, leading to dry patches and a faster rate of skin ageing. After cleansing and toning your face twice a day, apply a dime-sized dollop of moisturiser.

Step 6: Sunscreen

Step 6: Sunscreen

You must use an extra sunscreen if your moisturiser doesn’t have SPF. The best thing that ensures that your skin is shielded from damaging rays is SPF of roughly 30++. You still need sunscreen even if you’re not going to spend the entire day outside.

Step 7: Foundation


A base layer will give you a flawless, even complexion if you want to wear makeup. Consider using a lightweight tinted moisturiser, BB cream, or foundation, which are available in cream, liquid, or powder forms.

Step 8: Retinol


To increase cell turnover, retinoids—the collective name for all vitamin A derivatives, including retinol sink into your skin. Over time, this causes your body to produce skin that is more youthful-looking, smoother, and less wrinkled.



One thing to keep in mind while applying any product is that you must apply your next product, ideally an alcohol-free toner, to the skin within 60 seconds of cleaning it. The longer skin is exposed to the elements, the more the dry air will draw moisture from the skin, causing dehydration. Quick product application will protect skin and prevent a tight, dry feeling.

You should be able to apply items more carefully with the advice provided here. This will improve the efficiency of your regimen. The secret to flawless skin is in the details.

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